Sky-High Aquaponics

About Us

Sky-High Aquaponics is a division of Tryon Technology, Inc. It is essentially the combination of several key players to help facilitate the development of vertically rotating hydroponic growing towers. We aim to provide solutions for various markets including commercial-scale and home gardeners. 

There are two locations devoted to our continued research and development of vertically rotating crop cultivation systems utilizing fish waste to feed plants. Our towers are being developed in Benzonia, Michigan, Champaign, IL, and Englewood, FL;  and will operate to provide hydroponically- grown fresh leafy greens to local eaters! The aquaponic research originally in Puerto Rico, where tilapia is being grown in specially designed tanks that allow efficient separation of solid and liquid fish waste is now being duplicated in all areas. The liquid waste is used to sustain leafy greens grown in a hydroponic system. 

Aside from development, we plan on using our towers in production to supply the Benzie Country area with year-round, fresh leafy greens! We will soon launch an online order form that will allow same-day pick-up (given the orders are placed by a given time). A kiosk will be the order pick-up destination allowing a convenient stop on the customer's way home. 

Our Florida operation will soon show how easy is to enjoy year around production in the nearly tropical conditions of the Sunshine State.